Type to Transliterate to ĐevaNāgarī
This web page will help you in generating ĐevaNāgarī text. It demonstrates the _naagaree-128 scheme.
For Anusvār i.e. bindee ( ं) use N, while for chanđra-binđu ( ँ) use Nn and for ण use NN.
1. For the following Independent vowels, we need to use capital letters.
अ = A, आ = AA, इ = I, ई = EE, उ = U, ऊ = OO, ऋ = RI/RU, ए = E, ऐ = AI, ओ = O, औ = AU/AO, ऍ = AE, ऑ = AW
2. The dependent vowels are called māŧrāEn̐ (maatraaENn). These are applied over consonants, the consonant 'क' shown here as a sample-base-letter. We need to use lower-case letters (mainly a, e, i, o and u). Only exception is Ri or Ru maatra.]
का = kaa, कि = ki, की = kī, कु = ku, कू = koo, कृ = kRi/Ru, के = ke, कै = kai, को = ko, कौ = kau/kao, कॅ = kae, कॉ = kaw
3. When no matra is applied over a consonant and it do not form a conjunct, then it require a trailing 'a'. So to write क we need to write ka.
क = k, ख = kh, ग = g, घ = gh, ङ = NG,
च = ch, छ = chh, ज = j, झ = jh, ञ = NJ,
ट = T, ठ = Th, ड = D, ढ = Dh, ण = NN,
त = t, थ = th, द = d, ध = dh, न = n,
प = p, फ = ph, ब = b, भ = bh, म = m,
य = y, र = r, ल = l, व = v,
श = sh, ष = Sh, स = s, ह = h,
क्ष = kSh, त्र = tr, ज्ञ = jNY, श्र = shr,
ळ = L, र् (half Ra) = R
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If you want cool looking Latin equivalent of ĐevaNāgarī words (like Đayānanđ for दयानंद), then copy ĐevaNāgarī words you generated here and paste them in the Nīrajā-Latin page.
Total Pageviews: Updated: Nov 22