Convert from Lekhni (lekhanee) to Unicode
This web page will help you in converting DevaNagari-Latin text typed in Lekhni to Unicode encoded text that you can use in any modern application/system.
Versions of Lekhni till 2.0 used a proprietary encoding (and fonts) to store, display and print DevaNagari-Latin text. Future version of Lekhni i.e. 3.0 will be Unicode compliant. Its best font A_Akhil.ttf is now completely redesigned as Akhil_HE.ttf which is a highly optimised modern smart font conforming to Unicode and OpenType standards. So do not wait for a newer Lekhani instead use Writer of LibreOffice or any other modern word-processor along with Akhil_HE for ultimate satisfaction.
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Total Pageviews: Updated: Sep 20